First-Time Facial Special!


R & R Aesthetics provides the most effective, clinically proven Botox Treatment to reverse the signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles. You may have heard of Botox, one of the most popular injectables for wrinkle relaxation. We provide Botox to address the root cause of wrinkles and ensure natural, anti-aging results.

Sessions: 30 minutes

Botox – $13/unit (nonmember price)

$11/unit (member price)

If you’re seeking Botox treatment in a med spa in Roswell Atlanta, Georgia please contact R & R Aesthetics today.

Our service areas include Milton, Atlanta, Roswell, Alpharetta & Sand Springs in Georgia.

Botox Injection | Radiant and Renewed in Roswell, GA

What is Botox?

A purified protein derived from Botulinum Toxin A, known by the brand name Botox, has been approved since 2002 for the treatment of moderate to severe frown lines. These lines and wrinkles in forehead and eye area are due to muscle contractions within the face which occur during facial expressions, squinting (from the sun, or to read), or other muscle contractions. Botox works to relax the muscles, smoothing away the unsightly lines that age us and make us look more tired. 

R & R Aesthetics located in Roswell, GA who has familiarity with the facial muscles that cause lines and wrinkles to form, and that has experience with the exact placement of Botox to yield a natural appearance, without asymmetry or an overdone appearance. The proper time to start Botox depends on the genetic makeup of a person’s facial muscles. Typically, many of our patients start in the upper 20’s, and it is the most popular cosmetic procedure for both sexes amongst all age groups.

How is Botox injected? Will it hurt?

Botox is drawn into a syringe from a vial. We use fine gauge needles, to lessen the discomfort during injection. Botox is not mixed with lidocaine or any other numbing agent. Patients concerned with pain can use ice and/or numbing cream prior to injections.


How is Botox injected? Will it hurt?

Botox can be used to release wrinkles across the forehead and between the eyes (glabella), banish crow’s feet (the lines around our eyes), lift eyebrows, and to relax vertical bands in the neck. Our specialty is administering Botox in a way that produces natural results. We use it to treat forehead lines, crow’s feet, frown lines, platysma neck bands, drooping corners of the mouth, and under eye wrinkles. Botox is a neuromuscular blocking injectable that counteracts facial wrinkles. In addition, Botox has many other uses, including reducing excessive sweating and migraines.

How Much Does Botox Cost?

The cost for our Botox injections is determined by area injected, with significant discounts given when multiple areas are injected in the same session. The actual amount of Botox needed to achieve your individual goals will vary by patient. Typically it is priced at $12 per unit, although it can vary.

Botox FAQ’S

How is Botox different from fillers?

Botox is different in use than fillers. Dermal fillers work to increase volume, replacing lost collagen and fat, and lifting wrinkles and folds up and out. Botulinum Toxin A, such as Botox, works to relax muscles that cause wrinkles and lines, releasing lines, and preventing further deepening of wrinkles.

How does Botox work?

Botulinum Toxin A, branded as Botox, provides a buffer to neurotransmitters within the injected muscles, lessening the signal to contract. This allows the muscle to lengthen, releasing wrinkles and folds. When Botox is injected properly, it only lessens, not eliminates these neurotransmitter signals. Correct use of Botox leads to reduced facial movement, not a complete paralysis, as is seen in “frozen faces.” We never like that look. That is one of the effects of bad Botox, when it is done at a sketchy location or by a doctor who does not specialize in Botox.

How is Botox different from fillers?

Botulinum Toxin A, branded as Botox, provides a buffer to neurotransmitters within the injected muscles, lessening the signal to contract. This allows the muscle to lengthen, releasing wrinkles and folds. When Botox is injected properly, it only lessens, not eliminates these neurotransmitter signals. Correct use of Botox leads to reduced facial movement.

How should I prepare for Botox?

Start with a cosmetic consultation with R & R Aesthetics located in Roswell, GA.
If you wish to have injections the same day as your consultation, you can further prepare, starting a week before, by avoiding excess sun and stopping over the counter medications and vitamins that increase risk of bleeding (St. John’s Wort, Vitamin E, aspirin, ibuprofen, etc).
You’ll have to remove any makeup before Botox is injected, but it can be re-applied directly after the treatment. We stock makeup remover in the office, and have mirrors and cosmetics available in the room, for patient ease and comfort.

What should I expect after Botox?

Botox’s full effects can take 2-14 days to develop. You should expect some immediate improvement, and further improvement for up to 14 days following treatment.

Are there any side effects?

As with all injectable products, the most commonly reported side effects are swelling, stinging, bleeding, bruising, and itching at the injection site, with most resolving naturally in less than 24 hours. You should avoid strenuous exercise and alcoholic beverages the day of injection, as well as excessive sun or heat exposure.

What are the pros and cons of Botox?

Botox is not a permanent solution. You will need to continue to receive injections to continue to see results. One of the benefits of being consistent with injections of Botox, however, is that most patients can expect to see Botox’s effect last longer, the more frequently they’ve been getting injections.


R & R Aesthetics is a luxurious medical spa where cosmetic science meets artistry. Our certified cosmetic providers are exceptional injectors and cosmetic artists. They curate highly personalized treatment plans to ensure natural, anti-aging results without a trace of cosmetic work.

Please schedule an appointment to discuss your options for wrinkle relaxers and Botox in Roswell, Georgia.

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